Mayrhofer Schonznspringer

9 members
4 messages
0 photos
3 competitions

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Due to a redesign of the portal this feature will be removed during the season.

starker Wind

emmyk11 wrote on 13. Mar. 2011 09:06

und heit geat schu wieda a sö do wind,
i bleib woscheinlach dohuame

Marcel Kröll wrote on 12. Mar. 2011 20:11

alö, bei ins hots a bo bame umekaut

Heidi_Kroell wrote on 12. Mar. 2011 17:25

mia a

florians183 wrote on 12. Mar. 2011 17:18

Des wo heit gonz net ustrengend,
mia hem heit fost a Stunde a do Gondel gwesen weil a sö do wind gongin ischt !!